
Coalition s funders
Coalition s funders

What are your priorities for Plan S and why is outreach important in your role? Hello Johan, you are the Open Access Champion for cOAlition S. He is President of the Quality Open Access Market (QOAM), founding member and President of the Fair Open Access Alliance (FOAA), founding member of Mathematics in Open Access (MathOA) and Psychology in Open Access (PsyOA), founding member and President of Linguistics in Open Access (LingOA), and Member of the Academia Europaea. He has over 20 years’ experience as an editor, first as the Executive Editor of Lingua (Elsevier) and since 2015 as the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Fair Open Access journal Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. He is Professor of French Linguistics at Leiden University (The Netherlands). Johan Rooryck is Open Access Champion for cOAlition S.

coalition s funders

An Open Insights interview with Johan Rooryck, Open Access Champion for cOAlition S

Coalition s funders